Non-Representation Services
We offer a variety of non-representation services to benefit benefit individuals in removal (deportation) proceedings before the El Paso Immigration Court. Our Orientation programs provide Know Your Rights presentations to adult detainees covering the main aspects of deportation and removal proceedings, self representation (pro se representation), and obtaining legal representation. We also maintain a library of legal resources in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, and simplified Chinese/Mandarin.
These presentations provide a broad overview of immigration court processes, bonds, relief from removal, and ways to expedite removal for those wishing to return to their home countries.
These presentations give individual detainees the opportunity to ask detailed questions regarding the court processes and specific forms of relief from removal.
These workshops focus on preparing detainees who are representing themselves in their cases and allows them to practice for upcoming court hearings with other detainees pursing similar defenses.
Pro bono attorneys are volunteer attorneys who donate their time and expertise, at no cost to their client. We make these referrals for detainees who are unable to represent themselves or if their case would benefit from legal representation. If a case is referred to an attorney in our Removal Defense Program, the decision to accept the case lies with the attorney to whom the case was referred.
Our Legal Orientation Program serves detainees at two detention centers:
El Paso Service Processing Center 8915 Montana Ave. El Paso, TX 79925
Otero Service Processing Center 26 McGregor Range Road Chaparral, NM 88081
If you know of someone being detained and you would like our staff to reach out to them to provide one of the services listed above, please call 915-532-3975 ext. 8301. Please be ready to provide the following information to our staff or in a message:
- Full name of the detained person
- Number of the detained person
- Name of the detention center where they are currently detained (we only provide services at the two centers listed above)
- Your name
- Your day time contact number
We will be able to see the detainee within a few business days and will contact you for further information, if needed.
Provides services to refugees and families, parolees, asylees, victims of human trafficking and other populations. The unit assists R&P clients with housing, food, orientation of the local community, basic state benefits enrollment, cash assistance, employment enrollment, job readiness, and other benefits they may qualify for at the time of enrollment. Walk-in clients are screened to verify they qualify for assistance with basic state benefits enrollment, cash assistance, employment enrollment, job readiness, and other benefits they may qualify for at the time of enrollment. Clients are referred to the Affirmative Legal Services (ALS) unit, once they have reached the necessary time to apply for Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status.