Success Stories

Success Stories

At Estrella del Paso, we are honored to be part of our clients’ journeys. The success of our work means our clients can reunite with their families, find safety from abuse or trafficking, pursue employment to provide for their children, fulfill a religious calling and more. We don’t take this work lightly and we are proud to share our clients’ stories of success.



For nearly four decades, we’ve been dedicated to supporting our community with legal services and advocacy. Our Unaccompanied Minors Program (UMP) has provided essential services to immigrant children arriving at our border, seeking a brighter future.

Today, we’re thrilled to share that, thanks to the hard work of our UMP team and staff attorneys, Martin has achieved his dream of becoming a U.S. citizen. After fighting for his status since 2018, and with six years of perseverance, Martin is finally secure in his new status.

In 2023 alone, our Unaccompanied Minors Program served over 6,300 children, offering comprehensive representation to those fleeing danger and facing their journey alone. We are proud to continue this critical work in helping vulnerable children on their path to safety and opportunity.

Sister Gabriela

Sister Gabriela

Estrella del Paso has been a guiding light for those seeking safety, opportunities, and a better life for over 37 years. Our mission extends beyond mere assistance; it’s deeply rooted in the Gospel, aiming to aid those chosen by God to spread His message.

Recently, Annabel from our Religious Workers Unit facilitated Sister Gabriela’s journey to becoming a U.S. Citizen. Annabel, a passionate advocate for over 4 years at Estrella del Paso, has transformed numerous lives through our Religious Workers Unit, with Sister Gabriela being a remarkable example.

In 2022 alone, our Religious Workers Unit handled over 60 cases, providing comprehensive representation to individuals aiming to serve the Roman Catholic Dioceses of El Paso, Las Cruces, and Reynosa through the religious worker visa program.



Florencia is the perfect example of resilience, showing that darkness is temporary. Originally from Mexico, she sought assistance due to suffering from domestic violence. It was then that she discovered Estrella del Paso and visited our original location inside St. Patrick Church. Our team fought tirelessly, and through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Florencia obtained her Legal Permanent Residency status, enabling her to escape the violence she experienced in Mexico.

Safe from harm, Florencia secured a job, an apartment, and began her life in a new country, becoming a contributing member of our community and nation.

In 2023, Florencia made the decision to pursue U.S. citizenship and began her naturalization process. With the assistance of our Affirmative Legal Services team (ALS), particularly our Managing Accredited Representative, Alberto Lopez, Florencia embarked on this new journey toward U.S. citizenship.

After months of preparation, gathering necessary documentation, and submitting her application, Florencia finally received her official Naturalization interview, scheduled for January 2024. Alberto’s work wasn’t finished yet, as he guided and supported Florencia through her citizenship interview.

Today, Florencia is a hard-working, official U.S. Citizen.

In her own words: ‘Muchas gracias a Alberto y a mi padre Dios. Espero que sigan ayudando a mucha gente como a mí, que lo necesita. ¡Muchas gracias!

Florencia is the perfect example of resilience, community support, and the hope for a better life. Her journey from being a victim of domestic violence to becoming a U.S. citizen is a true testament to the impact that organizations like Estrella del Paso and individuals like Alberto have in the lives of others. As we celebrate with Florencia, let her story serve as inspiration for many to pursue their opportunity to achieve a new life and thrive in communities like ours.



Rildo is a young man whose story is an example of the life-changing possibilities when asylum seekers are given an opportunity. Rildo is originally from Honduras. In his home country, Rildo was recruited by criminal gangs. He refused to be a part of the gang and soon after Rildo and his mother started receiving death threats. The mother and son fled left their home, their family, and their entire lives in Honduras for a chance at survival. Rildo’s mother was placed in the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, commonly known as “Remain in Mexico,” and she was forced to wait in Juarez.

Rildo entered the United States without his mother as an unaccompanied minor. He was eventually placed in a long-term foster care shelter and enrolled in a local high school in El Paso.

DMRS attorney, Natasha Reyes, is representing Rildo in his pending claim for asylum. Natasha successfully secured a work permit for Rildo, which allows him to work and support himself. In May 2023, Rildo graduated high school!

“There were times where I could have given up. I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for my friends, my family, and Natasha. The truth is, without her, I wouldn’t be here,” said Rildo on his graduation day.

Rildo has set a new goal of obtaining a degree in electrical engineering and hopes to open his own business one day.

Patti Reyes

Patti Reyes

DMRS Client Becomes Naturalized Citizen

**“The pursuit of happiness is for ALL - born in this country or not.” ** Patti Reyes is a devoted single mother of six and a local artist who founded an arts and wellness nonprofit organization. Patti is the daughter of immigrants who brought her to the United States as a child.

Patti obtained her green card over 30 years ago, but admitted she felt her status as a lawful permanent resident was limiting her.

“My concerns, opinions and voice for this country were shunned because of this status. I was challenged with thoughts of not belonging,” she said.

In 2022, Patti made the decision to apply to become a U.S. citizen.

“My parents came to this country with one goal, to give their children a better life. Their hard work, resilience and dedication had always been an inspiration for me. I wanted to make them proud,” said Reyes.

DMRS accredited representative Alberto Lopez guidedPatti through the application process and prepared her for the interview and test. Patti accomplished her goal of becoming a U.S. citizen.

“The pursuit of happiness is for ALL – born in this country or not. When I learned this in the declaration, it transcended, it lifted the fear I was carrying. I embraced freedom and belonging for the first time inmy life,” said Reyes.