We’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers below. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us at 915-532-3975.
How do I get a consultation?
Initial consultations are required and are conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Find more information here. You can also send an email to consultas@estrelladelpaso.org for more information.
Am I considered a Texas resident?
This can be a difficult question to answer. Send an email to consultas@estrelladelpaso.org for further information.
If I live outside of El Paso, can I still be represented?
Generally speaking, we can serve residents of Texas or New Mexico as long as they have court in El Paso. We do not have the resources to support individuals who have court in Houston, TX or Dallas, TX.
Do I qualify for free legal services?
This can only be determined by reviewing your circumstances. We require proof of household income and proof of Texas residency to evaluate your eligibility for free legal services.
My relative/significant other/friend is in ICE detention, what can I do?
If you’d like our staff to reach out to them, contact us at 915-532-3975 ext. 8301. Please provide your name, your contact number, the full name of the detained person, their number, and which detention center they are in (we only provide services at the El Paso Service Processing Center and Otero Service Processing Center). We will be able to see them within a few days and will reach out to you if we need additional information.
Can I volunteer with Estrella del Paso?
Yes. We rely on volunteers to help us achieve our mission and expand our service capabilities. Volunteers can help with administrative work, translate legal documents from English to Spanish, assist the front desk with processing and filing, conduct community presentations, and more. Visit the Volunteer page to learn more and submit an application.
How can I support Estrella del Paso?
We rely on grants and the generous donations of people and organizations to fulfill our mission. If you feel called to financially support Estrella del Paso, please make a one-time or recurring donation through the Donate page. Additionally, you can share our mission and be an advocate for our cause by sharing our story and following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Does Estrella del Paso do presentations in the community?
We do! Presentations can be of a general nature about immigration and current trends and policies or it can be more specific about a topic within immigration law. Complete the presentation form to request a presentation.